- 60 minutes Over Zoom or Phone
Accelerate your spiritual development with activations to powerfully increase your vibration levels, receive greater levels of light and more fully connect with celestial beings of Divine Light. Manuals of study are provided, and the attunement is transferred via a meditation with Michelle.
LIGHTARIAN TM ANGEL LINKS – Attunements designed to create a special, permanent, personal connection between you and each of the following Angels. Each Angelic Being offers their own unique qualities of energy to support you.
1. Seraph Rose Aura (a Seraphim) – (PREREQUISITE for #2-5) - unconditional love
2. Arch Angel Michael - non-judgement, develop gifts
3. Arch Angel Raphael – take courageous action, heal & balance
4. Arch Angel Uriel - express inner beauty through what we think, say, and do.
5. Arch Angel Gabriel - inner strength, inspiration, joy, speak from the heart, Inner Knowing
Or All 5 for $540 + tax
$135 each + tax
LIGHTARIAN TM RAY PROGRAM – Attunements designed to accelerate your spiritual development & reveal more of your Higher Self. They stimulate activations of empowerment, clearing, healing, activation & manifestation & create a personal connection between you and the Celestial Beings delivering these activations to support you along your path.
1. Empowerment Ray (PREREQUISITE for #2-6) – activate empowered action
2. Clearing Ray – clear physical & etheric light bodies
3. Healing Ray – increase vibration of physical & etheric bodies, self-empowerment for own healing
4. Activation Ray – purify chakras & subtle bodies, restructure etheric fields
5. Manifestation Ray – support manifestation, activate courageous action
6. Source Ray (1-5 are PREREQUISITES) – connect to Divine Virtues, spiritual acceleration
$135 each + tax
Or All 6 for $723 + tax
LIGHTARIAN TM CLEARING - Accelerate the process of clearing of your etheric fields with Ascended Master El Morya & Archangel Raziel. Subtle bodies & chakras will be cleared and opened so they are able to hold a greater degree of light. Personal vibration level increases.
1. Path Clearing – release limited beliefs, programming & negative physical-emotional-mental patterns within the chakras & subtle bodies
2. Birth Pattern Removal – release physical lineage, tribal belief structures, genetics & mass consciousness patterns
3. Template Clearing – clear deepest patterns linked to the physical body, stored in the Etheric Template for the Physical Body
4. Attachment Removal – clear energies that have attached to both the physical and etheric planes
5. Lineage Clearing – remove belief distortions held at all levels of Self
6. Veil Removal – remove distortion and lack of clarity to see your life more clearly
$135 each + tax
​Or All 6 for $723 + tax